Friday, June 4, 2010


Ok, so iz Friday morning. Last night we asked the housekeeper if he knew of a ladies tailor. He didn't know any nearby, but when he went to the farmers market he asked around and I was later told that two women would be showing up this morning to measure me and take the cloth I bought yesterday to make into an outfit. So I'm waiting and a little wierded out. I haven't been measured for anything since my prom dresses. See, that's what makes Sarenjin so great, he doesn't want us gringos to go wandering into some shop that is going to rip us off, so he asked around at the farmers market and with the guards at the gate and most likely the women coming over live int he apt complex. There's 25 BU dorm size apt buildings and I guess a lot of people have businesses from inside the home. Since all the women buy cloth and have it tailored, a lot of women would know tailoring. Sometimes you pass a shop that says 'precut clothing' and it's usually mix and match tops and bottoms. The shop we went into yesterday also had a sign saying 'fixed prices' which means no haggling. Nicer for us. The cloth was 1350 rps which is less than $30. Every store that you go into has a security guard who opens the door for you and you have to leave your bag at a cubby and present your receipt on exiting. Not sure if I mentioned the malls yet. At every mall entrance and some larger stores and restaurants you walk through a security gate (the beepy kind like at the airport) and there are varying amounts of guards and guns. If you're a woman (oh, me,me! I am ! I am!) you walk through the gate then behind a curtain where there are 2 women guards. You open your purse or backpack for a quick look, then they very not-shyly pat you down all over including over your boobies and between your legs. Not groping, but very efficient, and it is all over. It's sort of a pain in the ass, but you know that you're safe everywhere. Photos 1) I'm starting to learn landmarks this lot is across from the graveyard about 5 mins drive towards town 2)the black car in front of camera says "Jesus Loves You" 3) workmen in the office lobby , lots of progress since then this is over a week ago 4) outside window from office, some of the workers families live onsite then move to the next site 5) ronald Mc Donald in shopping mall. Also, when you're shopping there are about 12,327 employees who take things off the shelf and hand things to you or display them for you and they call you ma'am or madam. Unless you're a guy. "Madam likes blue, here is blue. Madam does not like red, okay." All shop signs are in English. I've heard that they can be in English, then if the shop chooses to add other languages it must be both Hindi and Telegu around here, so most people just put up English signs rather than all 3. So everyone knows shop words in English and when in doubt point and say please.

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