Sunday, June 20, 2010

Dragonflies The Size Of My Fist!

Random thoughts = I have such burly, unladylike hands that I broke 2 bangles when I tried them on at the marketplace!  I saw a dead snake the other day!!  One of the pigs that lives in the field across form the cemetary has 3 colors on it!  It rained a LOT yesterday!  It's raining a LOT now!  at least it doesn't rain during the day.
     Kind of not a very exciting week.  My friend has had to do a lot of work  so I have been hanging out at the office a lot.  In my bag I keep a Charlene Harris book, knitting sox, my journal, granola bars, makeup, an American magazine I haven't read, and a variant sudoku book.  I am totally ready for a day at the office ahnging around in the room with the biggest air conditioner.
  Yesterday's photos  1) as the office is being built, it looks different every day.  The other day the company sign was put up in the parking area in front 2) traffic guys are in the white helmets and cops are in full brown uniforms that make then look like they work at a safari themed resort.  most intersections don't have stoplights, so during busy times of day, there will be one or two traffic guys. 3) I assume this place sells a lot of Tupperware type stuff, but I love the sign.  Yesterday I did see a sign for Tupperware, but we were going too fast to get it.   4)pesky motorcycle!  Behind the bike is a plain old brown moo-cow just wandering around.  Mostly I see water buffalo, but this was a brown moo-cow!  5) not a very pretty sign  6) lots of buses come through this intersection.  I am taking this from in front of the sports bar where we get sushi.  The "plastic house" in photo 3 is around the back of the sports bar. The side street to my right sells mangos , mangos and mangos. 7) leaving the apt complex, ads area painted on Everything! 8) did I mention there's no sidewalks?

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