Saturday, June 12, 2010


Currently boiling water in the rice cooker. Tried to take pictures of myself cuz I thought it was cute for a while = woman gets up, in pajamas, hair tied up, boils drinking water for household. Sort of an eternal image. Kind of like the first time I mowed a lawn I thought it was awesome. We got very heavy rains earlier in the week (earlier than expected) and it's sort of messed with the drinking water supply. Because this is a nicer apt complex, the kitchen has 2 spouts, 1 for drinking and 1 for washing (both come out room temp). Less nice places only have 1 spout and you boil it. Sarenjin keeps 2 liters of boiled water for me in the fridge and the ice cubes full which is a huge help. The drinking spout is dry but the washing water is coming out fine (that includes the bathrooms). Restaurants have filters that they use. There is always the option of buying bottled water (available almost exclusively in liters) or carts sell tiny pouches of water approx 4-6 oz - kind of like a small glassfull. For a while I didn't know what the clear plastic pouches in the trash were, but it's the water wrappers. They sort of resemble cartoonish boobie implants. They seem popular at parks and family spots where you might not want to buy a liter of water for everyone and be stuck carrying it around. Since I don't drink soda or beer and I don't really like fruit juice, I don't have a ton of options aside form bottled or boiled water. This is the first time here I've been without it, so I really can't complain. I'll just boil a couple rice cookers full of water, fill the ice cube bucket and all my liter bottles. Most people don't carry water bottles around which is why there are so many drinking stalls all around = lime water, mango juice, lassi, coconut water, sugar cane water are the ones I see most.

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